Sunday, March 20, 2011

Small Packages

In honor of the company's 40th birthday, Starbucks recently unveiled a new logo:

Not really a big deal to most, but I work in the design industry where there is always commotion over rebranding

To celebrate, for a few days Starbucks offered one of their new "Petites" with any drink purchase:


Basically, they are trendy, bite-sized minidesserts.

Minidesserts seem to be exploding among restaurants, and Starbucks has jumped on the bandwagon. In a recent interview with the Seattle Times, Annie Young-Scrivner, global chief marketing officer at Starbucks, said:
"Our research shows that customers are looking for that little something in the afternoon. They don't want it to be very big. They just want a couple of bites of something to complement their tea or espresso or other beverage."
The reasoning experts give for this growing trend seem simple enough:

1. Money
People are eating out less, and dessert on top of that is a superfluous expense. Minidesserts are relatively cheap.

2. Choices
Restaurant patrons are now able to sample several different desserts for the price of one large dessert, without having to share several plates.

3. Calories
The growing trend toward "healthy" eating and living says that smaller portions are healthier. The Petites at Starbucks are even advertised as being "all under 200 calories."

Let it be known, I do not condone this source

Under 200 calories? Should I really consider that bar low?

A whole bagel with light cream cheese is under 200 calories. So are six cups of popcorn. And what about all those 100 calorie packs full of junk food?

Completely by accident, we did end up going into Starbucks during the celebration and getting our free Petites. We chose one Red Velvet Whoopie Pie and one Tiramisu Cake Pop.

Neither was very good.

The cake pop had the consistency of raw cookie dough, and the whoopie pie cakes crumbled in my hand as I ate. They both tasted like your basic, store-bought baked goods (i.e. slightly fake and not as good as it looks).

The nutritional information for all of the Petites is not yet listed on the Starbucks website, but based on my calculations, I think it's safe to estimate that each item they offer is roughly 5 PointsPlus Values.*

Wait, what?

I eliminated 95% of the drink menu trying to pare down my PPV to 2 or less for a drink, and you're throwing in a one-bite treat that is worth 5 PPV??

The worst part is, the same Seattle Times article by Michelle Locke equates the new dessert trend with changing snacking habits:
"People who once packed a bag of trail mix or brought a banana to tide them over the 3 o'clock blahs now may pop into a quick-serve restaurant for a snack wrap or other small menu item."
So instead of a filling 5 PPV worth of trail mix, or a 0 PPV banana, people are buying one bite of cake, on top of the 4 PPV+ drink they're already splurging on, that likely won't keep them satisfied through the end of the day, all of which will likely cost upwards of $5? Seems healthy to me!

Says Kathy Hayden, food-service analyst for Chicago-based Mintel research company, on the snack food trend:
"I don't think anyone's losing weight from them. I think that they're a nice little extra."
Really, Kathy, you think so?

*The Lemon Sweet Squares are probably the best option at 3 PPV.
The full Seattle Times article is here
Find 200 snacks under 100 calories here

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Give it up!

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.

While my mom likes to tell the story of her childhood friend giving up carrots for Lent, the true spirit of the tradition is to give up something that will be a sacrifice or struggle to do without, something we normally think we need, for the six weeks prior to Easter.

When we think of fasting now, we generally think of food. It has lately become trendy and even considered "healthy" to go on a fast (or "cleanse"), at least here in LA.

I don't think this is quite what the 4th Century Christians had in mind...

Yesterday I received an aptly titled article in the mail, where Rev. Dr. Paul R. Smith writes:
"The original idea of a fast was to train yourself to take control of your bodily appetites, and keep them from controlling you. No one is in actual control of his or her life who cannot say 'no' to something they want to do. But most of us have allowed the majority of our appetites to control us. . . we think we have no real choice but to go ahead and indulge."

 Are we really in control if we can't stay out of the restaurant in the first place??

I have given up different things for Lent in the past, and everything has revolved around food: Chocolate, soda, ice cream, candy, baked goods, fast food and caffeine.

This year, when I thought hard about what would be a real sacrifice and would have the greatest impact on my daily life, I decided to give up TV.

This will be a huge struggle for me. I am currently only semi-employed and work from home, so the majority of my day is spent alone in my living room. And while food is something I can logically think about in terms of calories, fat and fiber, TV is more abstract and passive, which makes it easy to overlook the repercussions.

I can, with conviction, understand that eating donuts every day will make me gain weight; it's hard to elicit any tangible consequences when tempted to watch TV. I have been known to turn on the TV in the morning while I eat my breakfast and, knowing full well I have things to do, sit there watching all day, accomplishing nothing.


In his article, Smith goes on to write:
"Some of the things [we crave] . . . are clearly destructive, others are good things. It doesn't really matter. We have a responsibility to control them all. . . . The clear and certain evidence that we are not healthy is any situation in which the control goes the other way - our bodies overrule our minds and spirits." [my emphasis]
This Lenten season I am going to take back control over my body when it comes to watching TV. Instead of zoning out I will:
  • Exercise first thing in the morning instead of stalling and avoiding it
  • Walk to a coffee shop or the library to work instead of being distracted at home
  • Read books I have been meaning to read
  • Listen to new music to avoid a lonely house
  • Pay attention to what I eat because I am not distracted by the TV
  • Write about it here!
Whether or not you are a spiritual person, Lent is a perfect time to take inventory of your life and, for six weeks at least, win back control over one unhealthy habit.

Are you giving up anything for Lent? How will it impact your daily life?

Monday, March 7, 2011

All that glitters...

I recently discovered that if you register your Starbucks gift card online you earn one "star" for every purchase you make with it. After 5 stars, you get free syrup and soy milk (usually 60 cents).
After 30 stars you get a gold card with your name on it!

Sign me up!
I don't know why, but I really want that card!

I got a Starbucks card for my birthday and transferred the balance onto this beauty:

The (STARBUCKS)RED card, designed by Jonathan Adler

For every purchase made with this card during 2011, Starbucks will donate 5 cents to the Global Fund to help fight AIDS in Africa. So I'm earning stars AND donating 5 cents.

How very First World of me.

The only problem is, while I like the idea of earning stars and getting that golden ticket to exclusivity and perks, I don't particularly like coffee. (Let's be honest, black coffee is just gross.) I do, however, like coffee drinks - lattes, mochas and macchiatos - which can only lead to trouble.

Let me break it down for you with a few of my favorites:

1. Weight Watchers PointsPlus Values (PPV)*
  • Tall white chocolate mocha** - 10 PPV (!)
  • Tall mocha - 8 PPV 
  • Tall cinnamon dolce latte - 7 PPV
  • Tall cinnamon dolce latte (no whipped cream) - 5 PPV
  • Tall caramel macchiato - 5 PPV
  • Tall nonfat vanilla latte - 4 PPV
I won't even bother with any Frappuccinos, am I right ladies?

2. Cash Money
  • Tall white chocolate mocha - $3.55
  • Tall mocha - $3.15
  • Tall cinnamon dolce latte - $3.55
  • Tall caramel macchiato - $3.45
  • Tall vanilla latte - $3.15
prices may vary by location

    3. Conclusion
    While not completely horrible as an occasional treat, Starbucks coffee drinks are a waste of money and PointsPlus Values when consumed on a regular basis.

    And it doesn't help that Starbucks keeps reminding me to buy, buy, buy:

    "Only" 23 stars to go! Doesn't that progress bar just make you want to scream?

    Even if I got the cheapest thing on my list, 30 x $3.15 = $94.50, and you know it won't stop there.
    (Oh, did I mention that to keep your gold status you must continue making 30 purchases per year each consecutive year? Might be time to rethink my priorities...)

    I needed to find a low-cost, low-PPV drink, and fast! And drip coffee is out of the question!***

    4. New Drink Options
    This is what I came up with:
    • Tall skinny vanilla latte - 2 PPV, $3.15
    • Tall shaken iced tea - 2 PPV, $1.50
    • Tall iced coffee with milk (any kind) - 2 PPV, $1.95
    The skinny drinks, while low in PPV, are not any cheaper than their fat counterparts.
    I'm not the biggest fan, anyway; I think the syrup tastes like chemicals.

    I may switch over to iced tea when it starts getting warmer out, but I find that I drink iced tea much more quickly than coffee, because it's so sweet. The bitterness of the coffee reminds me to slow down and savor what I'm drinking rather than mindlessly sucking down empty calories.

    For now I have been ordering the tall iced coffee with soy milk (which is free since I have over 5 stars). Even sweetened and with 2% milk it's still only 2 PPV, and the soy gives it a little extra flavor. And at $1.95 a pop, the iced coffee presents a much more reasonable yearly budget for both my wallet and my waistline.

    What is your favorite drink at Starbucks? Do you dare calculate the PointsPlus Value??

    *In case you are not familiar with the new Weight Watchers PointsPlus program, participants are allowed a set number of PPV per day, the lowest possible allowance being 29 - which is, of course, MY total daily allowance.
    **All drinks built as-marketed unless otherwise specified. 
    ***Although I find it too disgusting to drink, black drip coffee is 0 PPV. Hooray!