Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's hard to be healthy!

...but you knew that.

If you're anything like me (and if you're taking the time to read this, I'm guessing you are),
you want to be healthy. You intend to be healthy. You even try to be healthy.

But when it comes to actually being healthy - to consistently making healthy choices about diet, exercise and lifestyle in general - it's just. plain. hard.

When I told a friend I was starting this blog it went something like this:

me: I'm starting a blog. It's called Healthy Isn't Easy. Isn't that a good name for my blog?
friend: [stifling laughter] Healthy Isn't Easy? As you're eating a bowl of frosting??

It's true, I was eating a bowl of frosting.

I came to have a bowl of frosting because, well... I made it.
Yes, I made a bowl of frosting with the specific intention of eating it straight from the bowl.
My rationalizations were these:

1. I made relatively healthy choices all day, and I really wanted dessert.
2. Frosting was the simplest thing to make - only four ingredients, and easy cleanup!
3. I would only make half of the recipe, which would be half the calories!
4. The frosting was low-fat! It was healthy, really. I used 100% juice instead of milk.
5. I had, in fact, made the frosting the night before, and this was leftover frosting.
Wow! Such self-control! I am doing so well!

These are, of course, all poor excuses to binge on pure sugar and fat at 10:00pm when I should have been going to bed. In retrospect:

1. One can make healthy choices that include eating dessert, but this was not one of them.
2. The easiest solution, as we all know, is not usually the best or most healthy solution.
3. A halved batch of frosting is still more frosting than no frosting.
4. Who are you trying to kid?
5. I give myself credit for not eating the entire bowl in one night, but the self-control should have been exercised when tempted to make the frosting in the first place.

To finish the conversation:

me: I'm starting a blog. It's called Healthy Isn't Easy. Isn't that a good name for my blog?
friend: [stifling laughter] Healthy Isn't Easy? As you're eating a bowl of frosting??
me: But that's the whole point!

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