Thursday, March 1, 2012

Back to Reality...

It’s been a rough couple of weeks.

I was writing to you about how terrible work was going, and how I had only clocked a mere total of 6 hours in one week. I was about to hit publish when I received a text message from my dad telling me my cousin had died.

It suddenly seemed trite to post about how bored I was at work.

Rory had been battling melanoma (yes, skin cancer) that spread internally (yes, it can do that).  

It's kind of the worst.

Since melanoma is primarily a cancer of the skin, there is very little known about it once it spreads, and any kind of treatment is mostly experimental. Hence my last cryptic post.

Please, please, stay out of the sun, and don’t ignore your skin. As soon as I get health insurance again I’m planning a trip to the dermatologist. But that’s another story.

Since then things have picked up at work a bit, and I even got to hire a friend for a couple of weeks. Which of course let to a sudden hemorrhaging of lunch and coffee money. I’m trying to reign that in now.

Me with expensive coffee.

I got a literal "F-You" letter from someone from my past. I don't think I need to do anything about it, it basically said that I was selfish, immature and cowardly, and that this person wasn't going to try to be friends with me anymore. How is it not selfish, immature or cowardly to send a hurtful letter for no sensible reason? Anyone else would have let this whole thing go years ago. Yes, it's been going on for years. But I suppose in the end, if they do really leave me alone, I will get what I wanted after all. Sure showed me.

You know you were already thinking it.

Basically everyone working in production at my at work was offered a staff position. Everyone except for me, that is. And staff position meaning a regular salary, health insurance, paid holidays and vacation time. There are more layers to the employment situation than that, but I am getting tired of listening to myself talk. Suffice it to say, it is stressful.

Don't tell Sameer, but I miss BRC.

Oh yeah, and lame-o next door dumped a bunch of crap in my parking spot the other day.  
NEW crap, I should say, as there was already SOME crap there to begin with.

New crap.

And here's what's going on now:

New chaos.

Bet you can't wait to hear about this! Happy Ambiguous March!

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