Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Perfect Storm of Irregular Expenses

Is it just me, or does it seem like everything you never have to buy runs out at the same time?

Well, in that case, I guess technically you don't never need to buy them.

And yes, that sentence is grammatically correct.

You know what I mean - the expendable things that you only have to buy once in a while and rarely run out of. Like sugar, shampoo, and vacuum bags. 

In the past month, I have run out of the following things:
  • Contact solution
  • Toothpaste
  • Moisturizer
  • Face wash
  • Bath soap
  • Deodorant
  • Toilet paper
  • Shaving cream
  • Clorox 2
  • Comet
  • Dryer sheets
It happens, right?
Here's a second look with a breakdown of (very) rough estimates for time and cost:
  • Contact solution
    • usually have to buy every 1-2 months (2 pack)
    • $4
  • Toothpaste
    • 2-3 months
    • $4
  • Moisturizer 
    • 3-4 months
    • $15
  • Face wash
    • 3-4 months
    • $15
  • Bath soap
    • 4-6 months (8 bars)
    • $6
  • Deodorant
    • 4-8 months (2 pack)
    • $5
  • Toilet paper
    • 5-7 months (Costco)
    • $18
  • Shaving cream
    • 6-12 months
    • $3
  • Clorox 2
    • 6-8 months (Costco)
    • $ 20
  • Comet
    • 2-3 years
    • $2
  • Dryer sheets
    • 5 years
    • $8
Total Estimated Cost:  $100

Odds of running out of all these things at once: I have no idea.

One hundred dollars isn't so terrible, considering how long I had been picking at that box of dryer sheets.*

These added expenses for the month are what I would call "expected annoyances" - I know I am going to run out of these things sooner or later, and am reminded of that fact every time I use one of them.

I can anticipate the impending financial and emotional cost and adjust accordingly.

But, in addition to these expenses, I also had the following things roll over:
  • Computer security update
  • Renter's insurance
  • Passport renewal
These are much larger expenses, and although they are theoretically on the back burner, they're not things I'm reminded of on a daily basis. They're sneaky!

Time and cost:
  • Computer security update
    • 1 year
    • $76.64
  • Renter's insurance
    • 1 year
    •  $278
  • Passport renewal
    • 10 years
    • $110 + $5 for photos
Total Cost:  $469.64

Woah! That's more than an "annoyance," and quite a bit more than $100!

So my total irregular expenses in the past month or so have been more than $500!!

Luckily, I am a saver. I have a cushion built in for expenses like these. But I really should have been able to anticipate these costs rather than letting them take me by surprise.

Which is why I am really looking forward to quarterly taxes on June 15th!

Do you seem to run out of everything at once? Any tips for keeping track of large, "hidden" expenses?

*On a side note, they don't even sell the pack I had before anymore - I had to buy a larger box. Luckily they still had the same scent, although I can't tell if it actually smells the same.

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