Friday, March 9, 2012

I am not a failure ...right?

Guys, I have given up. Remember this?

I took that a few weeks ago. That was when things were going well.

This whole thing started when Derek mis-measured some fabric. He was building a mockup of the theater we were working on, and this fabric, the same fabric that would eventually cover the walls in the actual theater, was supposed to be cut to the same size it would be in the actual theater and hung to create "walls" for testing. Somehow he miscalculated the length and cut each piece of fabric too short by about half a foot. The main purpose of these "walls" was to test projector angles and video size, so accuracy was crucial.

Ctrl+Alt+Del. Derek bought a new batch of fabric and re-cut to the proper size.

So because of this minor mistake - remember, this is an entire roomful of fabric, enough to line the upper walls of a room designed to seat 25 living people and one ghost comfortably - we then had yards and yards of "remnants" that were large enough to... well, line the upper walls of a room designed to seat 25 living people and one ghost comfortably.

Fabric detail.

The finished room... impressive!

We saved said fabric, all 25 pounds of it, in a file box, for months, with the intention of someday making something from it. Derek and Sameer finally decided they wanted me to make them pants. While I was traveling last summer I had the fabric shipped up to Seattle, along with a pattern for men's skinny jeans, but never got around to working on them (Summer in Seattle... how could I?).

Fast forward 8 months, and the theater has won several awards (thank you), the latest of which requires us to attend a black tie awards dinner on March 17th.

I think you can guess where this is going.

Sameer demanded asked that I make the pants for them to wear to the dinner. Derek refused decided he wouldn't wear the pants, but that a vest and tie would be nice. Oh, and Lacey should wear a "Disney Princess-style dress." Made from the fabric, of course.

A comedy of errors ensued.

The fabric is see-through and would need to be lined for anything we made.

It stretched only one way, and frayed extremely easily.

I got halfway through a pair of pants, only to find that they wouldn't fit around Sameer's bicycle thighs.

By now the pattern was out of print and could not be readily purchased in a larger size.

In order to get the pattern we would need to stage a stealth mission to print a digital version on the plotter at our former office.

I couldn't find tailor's chalk for the life of me.

The gift card I had been using to buy everything was refused at JoAnn, even though it still had money on it.

Meanwhile I started Derek's vest and broke a needle in 5 places at once stitching a pocket.

The lining they had purchased for the vest was black, über slippery, and couldn't handle my old (hot) iron.

I had a minor meltdown.

And I still hadn't decided on a dress pattern - what on earth could I make from drapery fabric??

Oh, right.

Each of these things on its own would not have discouraged me so much, but one after another, and on top of everything else that was going on, I was starting to get a little overwhelmed.

Here's a picture of my living room from a few days ago:

As you can see, not much had changed. It got to the point where I felt like, if everything went 100% perfectly, I could still probably pull it off. But probably that wouldn't happen, and even if I finished everything in time, being the perfectionist that I am, I would probably not be happy with everything.
I mean, the dress pattern I finally purchased had darts, for crying out loud!

And so, yesterday, I threw in the towel.

And I feel like a miserable failure.

But I hate all of these things fairly equally:
1. Not following through on something I say I will do.
2. Delivering a less than perfect product/result.
3. Putting copious amounts of extra work into something that ends up being brushed aside.

So, considering where I am at right now, and my proclivity for stress, this seems like the most responsible thing to do ...right?

Now... what to do about a dress??
I have only a week to pull something together, and I can't get anything new! Help!

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