Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sack of Potatoes

What do you do with a bag of potatoes that’s nearing the end of its shelf life? 

Good question. 

I am notorious for: 
1. Ignoring the question and letting the potatoes go bad. 
2. Making and eating a monosyllabic dinner (ketchup is a vegetable, right?). 

Here’s an inventory of what I did last night: 

Already had at home: One bag of potatoes, baby carrots, oil and spices.

Picked up on the way home: Green peppers, frozen corn and chicken sausage from Albertsons. And milk.

When I got there: Scrubbed and set aside potatoes. Mixed olive oil, garlic salt, pepper, chili powder and cumin in bowl. Cut potatoes into chunks and tossed in oil mixture. Added frozen corn, carrots and one green pepper. Spread in 13”x9” Pyrex baking pan. Baked in oven at 450 degrees for 30 minutes, turning occasionally. 

While it was baking: Cut up an apple and cucumber for lunch the next day, unloaded dishwasher, cooked 2 turkey sausages on stovetop. 

For dinner: Had roughly one cup of roasted potatoes with vegetables and one chicken sausage, plus one glass of milk.

Leftovers Saveovers: Should be able to feed myself for at least four more meals.

Cost in cash money:
  • Potatoes - .98/bag (used all but 2)
  • Corn - .25 (1/10 of bag @ $2.50/bag, on sale)
  • Green Pepper - .69 on sale
  • Carrots - .15 est. (roughly 1/20 of bag @ $2.99/bag)
  • Chicken Sausage - $4.14/pack of 4, with coupon
  • Milk - .52 (8 oz. @ $4.19/64 oz., on sale)
  • Oil and spices - Too small to count. Let’s say .10 for good measure.
Total for meal:                    $6.83
Total cost per meal:        $2.08

Cost in PointsPlus Values:
  • Potatoes - 4.5
  • Corn - .5
  • Green Pepper - 0
  • Carrots - 0
  • Chicken Sausage - 5
  • Oil - 2   
  • Spices - 0
  • Milk - 3
Total PPV per meal:       15

Not bad, considering the #2 I bought at McDonald’s on Saturday cost me $4.38 and 30 PPV.

*In the interest of full disclosure, I did make frosting for dessert. I barely ate any of it, I swear.

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