Thursday, January 12, 2012

One Reason Why I Hate My Apartment

Really, just one??

If you know me, you know I hate where I am currently living. This is due to the surrounding company more than anything else. Case in point:

I just got home from work about 20 minutes ago. I thought, this would be a good night to do some laundry. It's really piling up, I've got a friend coming to stay with me this weekend, and another one moving in with me next week. (Uhhhh.. we can get to that later...)

So I went to the laundry room to see if there was a machine available. The door was locked. No problem, I said to myself, I will go get my laundry room key and open the door. But hey, I don't hear a machine running, so that's great! I can probably do two loads at once!

I went back with my key in hand. I stuck it in the door and turned the knob. Nothing.


I tried it again. The knob was turning, but the door was not moving.

"Seriously?!" I said out loud.

Oh yes, it was all coming back to me.

I remember at one point getting some haphazardly-typed letter from the "property manager" saying that due to excessive laundry use at night, the laundry room would now be dead-bolted after 10pm.

Seriously, that happened.

Apparently whoever moved into the apartment that shares a wall with the laundry room was not happy with the amount of noise the machines were making. Ok, fine. I understand it might be annoying to have the laundry room share a wall with your bedroom.

(I would like to point out that my bedroom as a child shared a wall with both the washer and dryer, and I'm pretty sure that sometimes there would be laundry going at night, and I don't remember once thinking, "Gee, someone turn that laundry off, I will be up all night, I should probably complain to management because this is outrageous.")

But do you really think the best solution to this problem is to put the person living in the apartment in charge of locking the deadbolt every night and then unlocking it every morning??

IT WAS BEFORE 7:00 PM! Don't tell me I can't use the laundry room after 10 pm and then forget to unlock it during the day... or lock it early... or whatever led to this utterly annoying situation!

After I realized what was going on (and yes, mom, I tried my key in the deadbolt), I'm pretty sure I screamed all the way back to my apartment. I then slammed both doors, stomped around a little bit, and then began playing my guitar as loud as I could while still being recognizable.

Perhaps not the most rational reaction, but I have to admit, it helped.

So anyway, now I am sitting here in my pajamas:

Dirty pajamas.

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