Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why I Don't Drink Soda on a Regular Basis
(and you shouldn't either)

I went to the movies with some friends recently - something I don't do very often.
Mostly because I am frugal (which is different than being cheap; read a supporting article here).

I don't see the point in spending $15+ to risk my view being blocked, a baby crying, or someone sneezing on the back of my neck.

It's happened.

The last movie I saw in the theater was The Muppets - which was also a fluke, because I had free passes, and still do. I guess even when it's free I'm not that keen on going.

I think the last movie I saw before that was Julie and Julia. That's a better indication.

Anyway, a friend was visiting from out of town, and another friend had a Groupon for 2 movie tickets, popcorn, and a drink for $15.

Of course, that was only for the two of them. 

And, of course, my passes weren't good at the theater they needed to go to. I would still need to buy a ticket a full price. Harrumph.

So I shelled out $16 to join them in seeing The Artist.

By the end of the movie they had barely touched the popcorn and drink. I asked them to bring them home (I had to recoup my losses somewhere!).

Somehow the popcorn got tossed, but check out the drink:

Me with giant jug of root beer.

The soda was huge! I could barely lift the thing with one hand!

I calculated the PointsPlus Value for this monster: 16!  

For a beverage! That's something people usually add to an already high-in-PPV meal!

But really, who could drink 44 ounces of root beer in 2 hours? Lots of people, I'm guessing.

Luckily I kept this for about a week in the fridge, sipping a little here and there when I wanted a treat. But people are buying and drinking gallons of soda every day, and not just at movie theaters.

It makes me wonder how anyone is even living anymore.

Oh, and if you were wondering, the movie was good. At least everything after the first 10 minutes was good. Funny how the movie still costs $16 even if your friends make you late.

Do you drink soda? ...still??

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