Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One Small Victory

Remember when I gave up Peppermint Patties for Lent?

A better question is, remember why?

Oh yeah.
 After losing a bunch of weight in the last year, I had gotten lazy, and a little out of control. Not just with the PP's, but with my eating habits in general. It turned out what I was lacking in Peppermint Patties I could easily make up for in brownies!

By the time Lent had ended, I wasn't even craving the PP's anymore, which I thought would make it easy to limit myself. I bought a bag, but soon realized that not eating candy when it's sitting right in front of you is easier said than done! (It is, after all, so hard to be healthy...)

What's the first step to recovery again?

But I digress.

So a couple of weeks ago I decided to start taking things more seriously.

I logged onto the Weight Watchers website and actually started tracking my food (as opposed to just my weight, which is what I had been doing... off and on... not really).

I even started getting up early and doing my yoga again (20 minutes = 1 activity point!).

And guess what?

I lost 2 pounds last week!

Surprise, surprise! It actually does work! I believe!

I guess I'm not completely hopeless after all.

I wonder if I can get down to my goal by the 4th of July and my get my marketing pictures taken. Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here...

How do you keep your eating in check? Any small victories lately?

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